Hawaii Coastline From Above
Looking down at the coastline of the island of Oʻahu from the top of Makapuʻu Point during our 2023 Hawaiʻi trip.
Yes, if you are keeping score at home, I have posted another photo from this location in addition to the photos in Part 6 of the trip report. But to a guy who has spent most al of his life in flat, dry West Tennessee, I could never get enough of views like this one. So when I was looking through photos from our trip to find one to share, this one immediately jumped out at me. I think you can see why.
And if we ever get back to Oʻahu, I think we might plan to drive along that road that you can see running along the coastline. Just to see where it goes and to find some more amazing views.
Of course, for this view we had to climb a bit, as you may know from the trip report, but it was definitely worth the climb.

Recently, I took some time to go back through the photos from our 2018 Kauaʻi trip. It was fun to go back and relive those memories, as they are not as fresh as they used to be. And I am sure that sometime in the future, I will feel the same way about the photos from this 2023 trip, too.
I am glad that we live in this time where it is easy to preserve memories. I sometimes wish I had taken more photos back on the “old days” (however far back you want to think that might be). There were more limitations back then in rolls of film, cost of processing, and all that. These days we are limited only by memory card space and somewhere to store all of the digital files. Back then, you had to get someone to look at your photo album or set up a slide projector. These days, you can share your memories almost instantly to social media and have them seen all over the world. If anyone takes the time to look, that is.
But while it is fun to share these memories with you, I perhaps get more out of looking at my old photos than anyone else does. Yes, if you have been to the same place, a photo I took might bring up a memory of your own, too. But these memories are personal to those who made them. Which in this case is me.
Don’t get me wrong - I hope you look at all my photos and read what I want. I hope you get something out of it. But I also hope you make your own memories, whether you share them with others or just keep them to yourself.
One day, you will be glad you have those memories to look back on.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. - Philippians 4:8
About the Photo
In addition to reliving memories, one reason I chose this photo was so that it could be an exercise in processing. Call me crazy, say I need a better hobby, or whatever else. But sometimes I like to see how I can make a photo look. I thought this one would be a good challenge, because it already looked pretty good, but I figured I could give it a shot. The results are what you can see here, and I like these results.
Of course, it does help to start out with a good view, which this one was. I evened out the lighting a bit, brought out some colors, applied a little bit of Orton effect for a dreamy look, and gave my favorite color tint. That was definitely something I could not do with an old film photo back the old days!
Photo: A single Raw exposure, processed in Raw Therapee and GIMP.
Camera: Sony Alpha A7 II
Lens: Rokinon 35mm f/1.8
Date: June 18, 2023
Location: Makapuʻu Point, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi