Christmas 2024 in Verse

Over several days during the 2024 Christmas season, I made a series of social media posts of verses relating to the Christmas holidays, very loosely inspired by “A Visit from St. Nicholas”, which is better known by its first line. I should probably apologize to Clement Moore for that.

Some verses were more humorous, some were slightly more serious. Some had a definite meter, while others did not. There is a reason why I am not a full-time poet, after all.

The verses received varied reactions, but mostly good, so I thought I would gather them here in one place, in case you missed some or all of them.

‘Twas the week before Christmas,
and windy and rainy.
I’m trying to work
And not be complain-y.

‘Twas eight days before Christmas,
The Post Office is slow.
Still waiting on stamps
So our Christmas cards can go.

‘Twas a week until Christmas,
‘Twill be here in a jif.
Relax now and enjoy it all,
Or later say, “What if…?”

‘Twas six days until Christmas.
Who says “’twas” anymore?
With the new words kids say now,
Understanding’s a chore.

‘Twas five days ’til Christmas,
The shopping is fine,
If you don’t mind crowds
And waiting in line.

‘Twas four days ’til Christmas,
Shopping near and far.
I can’t recall
Where I parked the car.

‘Tis three days ‘til Christmas -
Don’t be caught in a lurch!
‘Twas a wonderful Sunday
To spend with our church.

‘Twas the 23rd of December,
Christmas Eve Eve.
A pleasant day at home
For Laura and Steve.

‘Tis no hectic day here,
Although we have had ’em.
And some jesting folks
Call this day Christmas Adam.

‘Tis the 24th day of December,
Christmas Eve is here.
A day spent with family,
Full of Christmas cheer.

But the real joy of Christmas
Is not in presents and things.
Real joy is to be found
In the hope that Jesus brings.

‘Twas the day after Christmas,
The 26th day of December.
Christmas was wonderful,
A day to remember.

Jesus Christ was born on
The day called Christmas Day.
But when the actual date is,
No one can rightly say.

So we celebrate all year
The birth and death of our Lord,
Who brought to us salvation
That we could not ourselves afford.

Always treat each other
With love and good cheer
And make the Christmas season
Last the entire year!

Yes, there was no verse on the actual day of Christmas, but that was okay. And intentional.

I hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas season!

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About Burnsland
Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.